Extermination Montréal

Extermination a bas prix en Montreal

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À propos de nous

Is a Professional Pest Control Service successfully operating throughout Montreal area. Amiral take pride in providing the highest standards of quality control of pests in Montreal and metropolitan region. We are specialized in inspection, detection, identification and finally prevention of pests, such as: bed bugs, cockroach, ants, wasps, fleas, flies, earwigs, crawling insects, moles and other types of indoor insects.

Also, we can prevent and help you get rid of rats, mice, pigeons, birds, raccoons and skunks.

Our mission is to provide you high standard services, a professional approach to your pest problem with a help of our highly experienced environment specialists; and all this, of course for a reasonable price. We wish to provide a professional services while following the time-tested traditions of honesty, integrity and hard work that this company was founded on.

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Nous joindre

1 (418) 576-3874

À propos

Extermination a bas prix en Montreal

Mots clés

Extermination de Souris , Extermination de Fourmis , Extermination de Fourmis charpentiaires , Extermination de Punaises de lit , Extermination des Acariens , Extermination de Rats , ... et bien plus

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